Liddle Brook

Andes, NY
Completion Date: May 2024
Owner: Andes Central School
Project Engineer: Benjamin Dates, DCSWCD Stream Program Engineer
Contractor: Lefever Construction, Inc.
Project Manager: Jonathan LeFever
Precast Engineer: Andy Bell, PE, Bell Engineering

Delaware County Soil and Water Conservation District (DCSWCD) funded this project at Andes Central School. The project replaces the failing walls along Liddle Brook with NYSDOT compliant Stone Strong blocks as the streamliner. The project is funded in partnership with the Catskill Watershed Corporation (CWC). DCSWCD Stream Program is funding the stream restoration, while CWC is funding the bridge installation, relocation of stormwater and sewer lines, asphalt paving, fence and gates, and electrical work.

The project is funded by the DCSWCD’s Local Flood Hazard Mitigation Grant awarded to the Andes Central School. The project replaced the failing retaining walls along Liddle Brook. Floodplain benches were constructed along both Liddle Brook and Tremper Kill to improve floodplain conveyance. The Andes Central School access bridge was also replaced as part of the scope of the project. The completed stream restoration project will protect public infrastructure, the local school district property, and local businesses and residences from flooding, while enhancing water quality in New York City’s Pepacton Reservoir drinking water supply.

LHV Precast, Inc. supplied 760 linear feet of Stone Strong blocks over the course of the two sides of the creek to line the stream to help prevent further erosion. The Stone Strong blocks are manufactured with the Tennessee Foothill pattern. The pattern will provide a clean line for the stream sides while providing a durable structure. At one point the stream runs immediately adjacent to an old barn where the foundation had to be partially reconstructed and supported behind the new stream wall.

The site work and wall construction was led by Jonathan LeFever of LeFever Excavating. Precast Engineering was completed by Any Bell, PE of A S Bell Engineering. Precast design and estimation provided by Bob Willis and Víctor Bramble of LHV Precast, Inc.

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