Pleasant Valley Culvert

Sherburne, NY
Completion Date: July 13, 2023
Owner: Town of Sherburne, Chenango County, NY
Project Engineer: Richard Tremblay, PE, Barton and Loguidice, PC
Contractor: Bothar Construction Inc.
Project Manager: Scott Van Blarcum
Precast Engineer: Ron Thornton, Concrete Engineering Solutions

Replacement of the Pleasant Valley Road Culvert. The new culvert replaced the failing culvert previously located there. The project was designed by Richard Tremblay, PE of Barton and Loguidice PC. Site construction was performed by Bothar Contraction led by Project Manager Scott Van Blarcum. Precast Engineering was performed by Ronald Thornton of Concrete Engineering Solutions. LHV Precast estimating and coordination was performed by Joseph Murphy.

The culvert is 19’-0” span x 6’-0” rise x 28’-6” long on the center line. The culverts are 4 standard sections 4’-7” long and 36, 250 lbs. with skewed ends 5’-0” on the center line. The manufacturer also included two precast cut-off walls 21’-9” long x 3’-1” rise x 1’-6” in length. These were 15,000 lbs. each.

The project was installed on July 13th. Hoisting was provided by Payne’s Cranes Inc. of Bainbridge, NY.

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